Our most radical changes in perspective often happen at the tail end of our worst moments. It’s only when we feel intense pain that we’re willing to look at our values and question why they seem to be failing us. We need some sort of existential crisis to take an objective look at how we’ve been deriving meaning in our life, and then consider changing course.
You could call it “hitting bottom” or “having an existential crisis”. I prefer to call it “weathering the shitstorm.”

Maybe you are in that place right now. Perhaps you’re coming out of the most significant challenge of your life and are bewildered because everything you previously thought to be true and normal and good (ie. eat less/workout more, bad things don’t happen to good people, life is fair, etc. ) has turned out to be the opposite.

👉That’s good–that’s the beginning.”👈

-Mark Mason “The subtle art of not Giving a Fuck”

Personally, I have been been through many Shit storms in my life. Apparently, I like to learn lessons the hard way. When this happnes, life turns you upside down, throws you against a wall and punches you in the face (at least that is what it feels like) and well, it sucks.

Pain sucks.

Yet, feeling the pain AND breathing through the pain is a part of the healing process. The pain is what pushes you to change.

Looking back, these were the times that I grew the most. Weathering the storms, made me make some BIG changes and I became better, stronger, and more resilient. Life may never be the same, but pain shifts your perspective, and once you get through the shit, you start to see the beauty in your growth.

The shit is only the fertilizer, that is going to help you grow into a beautiful flower. 

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