A quick lesson in History and science…

You know in the history of mankind there have been belief in over 10,000 Gods? The Egyptians, The Romans, The Greeks.
The vikings believed they went to valhalllah with the god Odin as long as the warrior died with his sword, if he dies without his sword he would be cursed to roam the darkness forever a spirit?
Do you know any of mankind’s history and culture? Do you know of Physics and Science?

Mankind’s history is steeped in rich records of amazing Empires building and falling, inventions, progress, connection and evolution.

Google King Leonidis the Greek and William Wallace who stood up to Tyranny against overwhelming odds.

Google The Roman Empire, The Chinese Dynasties, The Viking history and The Egyption history. Educate yourself.

Google Richard Dawkins!!

Learn about physics and science.
Read about the Neanderthals and their beleif in animal gods, The Cromagnons and their belief in in The Mother. That’s pre history education, the dawn of mankind evolving.
That’s science.

In 1859 Charles Darwin published The Origin of the species. Evolution by natural selection. Google it.

Issac Newton proved Gravity… do you know what gravity is? Drop something and THATS why it falls. A plane stays in the sky because of the propulsion of jet engines, if it did not have them it would simply fall to the ground THATS GRAVITY.
Watch YouTube videos of astronauts in the space stations in zero gravity… nothing drops to the floor it floats around the room.

Educate yourself with what I’ve already given you and a whole new amazing world will open up for you that’s there for the taking to learn, and absorb the immortlity of of history and science.

My University Honours degrees are in my behaviour and knowledge not a piece of paper that awards me those letters before and after my name. It’s in my learning of the world and my ability to take it all in and able to cite history, physics, science, laws. This all helps my writing. Take what you want from it, take creative licence write a story with knowledge.

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat

Evolve!!! Species of animals that are no longer here did not evolve and because they did not evolve they died out. Charles Darwin.

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